We Shook The Woods...
Supposingly we post to you all yesterday night but sadly the streamyx line was down so today onlybe able to update you guys. We didn't manage to take good pic this time around whereas most of the pic took either sideways or behind the scene by her sis coz she dont wan to interrupt the scene. Anyway we were quite satisfied with the session except the rain which we spoke during the last article "The Rain Caught Us Off Guard" so no repeats. During the photo session, it was quite weird due to the alot of people of seeing us takin picture around where there is quite alot of people of visitors passing by here around even the police stop by to have a look (dam busybidy) anyway the tree's in the forest reserve was quite old than expected by us. Actually, fionce was so reluctant to sit on the ground or lay down on the tree coz she affraid of insect!!!Wah lau eh(means what the f***)...want to have nice pic but unwilling so sacrifice...what she want then..so called oscar best actress to me but say only, cant perform when she need too...anyhow she manage to get along with the needs of photo taking session. Lucky is did so coz she is the main cast, dont have her how to make our perfect piece wedding gallery. Got to give credit to her coz without her my life wouldn't be so beautiful....
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Thanx for viewing. See you around always...
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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