...HoNeyMoON CaMe CalLiNG....
DeSTinATioN -->> HOnG KonG
DeSTinATioN -->> HOnG KonG
***DaY - ParT 1***

SeaTing pREtTy In thE AiR
Fionce well in place the airasia airbus departing 650am from KLIA tO MaCaU

MaKIng WaY fROm mAcAu To hK
As we arrive to Macau around 10++ we make our way to the port as we took Macau First Ferry To Hong Kong approximately an hour travelling time..

KiMBeRly HotEL - KoWLoOn [HK]
After reaching HK, @1245pm, we walk out from the complex heading to our hotel nearly half an hour plus and getting lost too [A Journey To Be Cherish]...haih anyway at least we learn how the road's around kowloon as manage to reach Kimberly Hotel @ 130pm....well..all the street quite happening and pack wit ppl's all around until our hotel..so you no worries about getting lost and it's safer than our road .
(P/s : Beware of foreigner offering you road direction to your destination...where u might end up paying them silly money....so get a map!)

As we make our way to MTR Station @245pm, we was finding place to take pictures in the crowded roads around there till we reach victoria secret outlet..

HeAdiNg ToWArD ThE PeAk
3pm - Our 1st destination is to the peak. We took the MTR from Kowloon to Cetral which take us less than 10 minutes and we came out the exit to the peak..the aerial view behind is the "Bank Of China Tower"....awesome...

As we walk to the peak from Central MTR Station...we will got to pass by Central Profilic Bussiness Building. The view in Central is magnificient. We was surround by all the high office building where all the high profiles workers are located here. Above is one of the pedestrian bridge make available passing thru the "CITIBANK" Building...
TaKE 2
Well as we walk towards the Peak...we can't stop taking pictures from the best available views ...as we walk thru Central...u will be amaze with the surrounding buildings...Behind is the "Prisma" look "LIPPO" Center...
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