Well...modelling down a big rock in the beach as the sunset coming near...
(Rating : 7.5/10)

Fionce thought herself still a little kids...forming a sand castle..gosh it is funny...

Fionce definetely not forming a castle alone but with my friends little kids...with "Yau" looking at the screen in action....

"Jun" the cute little one...
(Rating : 8/10)
Fionce Kissing Chris...Take 1

Take 2..with the sunset view...looks awesome...
(Rating : 8/10)
Well we finish off the beach with the nites fast approching....

The Euro Away Edition was bought since last year but gotto wait till cny then only wear...keep in track for the new clothing during cny (Culture Heritage)....here taking a memorable shot with my beloved wife...

(Rating 6.5/10)
The Picture Of The Trip
Well..ther aren't many picture taken due to no own camera available so those less option to choose from but this is one of those that look outstanding...from a to z sense......
(Rating : 9/10)
Stay behind me..i'll cover you up...refering to ai li which expecting her second in May
(Rating : 9/10)
Cant stop taking picture together
(Rating : 8/10)

Due to no camera support and while other busy taking pictures means chris got to be camera man.....
(Rating : 8/10)
Best Group Photo
Well..this is most apealing photo after dozen of shot....can't get much better
(Rating : 9/10)
Not much group photo to be share so this is the next best...
(Rating : 8/10)
Taking Together...but quality bad...
(Rating : 6/10)
One Those Great Shots
Owe much the enviroment and figure cooperation from both of us..hehe
(Rating : 8/10)
Extra...but lack of something..great looks...hehe..who chris laa...
(Rating : 6/10)
Final Picture Of The Trip
Taking with Yen my friend (Kean) newly wed wife....
(Rating : 7/10)
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