My Arrival
Fionce Residence
When Mouse Meets Cat...

Driving In
I left my place approxomately 10am and reach there around 1045am. It was a longest trip to her house ever before in my life. Feeling back then was...nervous yet exiciting..the day i finally get to be the one that very kids dreams of during their childhood days which is becoming the groom and picking up the bride one my turn now. At that time there was some delay during the journey...we arrive on time.Thanx for all my brothers who manage to come along kick the door (accompany me in to married my lovely wife fionce). So brother turn to show wat u got...

The Pig Delivery
Just before fionce cousin open my door to greet me two long time brothers...wan soon and wei chai help me to deliver in the pig into fionce residence which is one the chinese tradition that is a must do...for certain reason that i also dunno..haha.

Say Chezzzz.....
I was sitting in the car for alomost 10 minutes after i reach there. At that time camera flashes were flying here and there so there is the picture taken while waiting to be greeted in.

Brothers Focusing
While waiting in the car, they were also focusing my steps taken especially jiat (the one nearest) to the picture who will be having his wedding on december so gotto learn a bit...sorry gals he aren't avaolable anymore but wait there are still 2 bachelor in Alan (camera man) & Jason who stand in between them...anyone interested can check out wit me ya?

Dropping Into the Residence
After minutes of waiting....finally i got in. Before that fionce cousin brother got to greet me some welcome speach before he can open the door to welcome in. After doing so, i give him an ang pow and we took this picture above....

The Best Man
This is my best man Jason (available) who i choose for my wedding but actually all my brothers who attended my wedding all throughout the day was my best buddies of all...thanx.

The Brother (Mouse) Vs Sister (Cat)
Session Begin
There was four thing that they need to drink which include sweet, sour, bitter and spicy which represent that in a relationship there is this 4 things that would occur and if a couple can get through means enternity love for them. First...the spicy taiwanese hot dog which they manage to get thru with some water after it.

First Warrior
Ken was the first one who attempt to eat the taiwanese spicy hotdog with jason lookin onto so enentually ken will be remember to be my first warrior for his braveness and jokes that he makes around at that did thrill the crowds...

How Can I Miss It?
I took a bite on it though my stomach was not feeling well at that morning but lucky my brothers manage to hold the wind coming towards me...

Jiat Caught In Action
Soon after that they were in action again...this time they need to drink the bitter and sour session where Jiat is looking to for a replacement drinker...
Morning Cheers....Yam Seng.....
Cheers not only happen at nite but also can happen in the morning. This is wat happen that there and it was beer or liquor but a mixture of orange and mango skin for the final stage which is the sweet taste as it feel kind weird but nice to taste as jason take the lead. So yammmmmm....seng!

Clapping The Mood
As the brothers facing wave by wave being send by the sisters...they manage to get thru it and the sisters giving some encouragement for their effort.
Video Catch
Supposingly ho weng(my brother) should be in the group but he did the video job so was excluded..dam smart.
Stage 2 : Collection Of Items
After completing the sweet + sour + bitter & spicy stage comes the Collection Of Items period where they need to collect (1st) RM 2.00 note (which is not available in the market anymore) + (2nd) Lady Type Silk Stokin and (3rd) squarish design stokin...thanx for wei chai for the RM 2 note, my sis kar yee for the silk stokin (which is the hardest to find..lucky me) and yen hou for the last item. Thanx.
Silk Stokin Found
Lucky sis was the only 1 there wearing the silk stokin which hardly seen to be wear by any modern lady. Here my two cousin mun yee & mei yee taking it out...

The Provisional Greeting
After clearing the 2nd stage, i start to walk in the house and being greet by my father & mother in law before i go to knock fionce door, a sound of respect as i'm going to married their lovely daugther. So the next post will be my knocking the bridal door. Stay Tuned.