Thursday, July 27, 2006

82th Days..Here We Come

Upon writing this blog today, i was sick like mad as all started jus a simple throat pain which i took medicine within the nite itself was too late as i'm now on my 2nd day of MC, poor chris so wish me getting well soon. Condition now almost stable beside still having some throat infection due to dry cough and some flu here. Though not feeling well and long time didnt post to u all...we will update u guys as soon as possible coz this few days beside getting sick was busy about my renovating my room for my wedding blessing for the wedding couples...chinese culture which have to unable to post to you guys but will keep our timing in track whereas we are now falling behind time so must do some catch up already so be we come again. Special mention to my beloved darling for taking care chris which look so fussy and hard to satisfy during sick period, u know la...chris want you to pamper me ma. Thanx Darling!


Anonymous said...

take care chris.. get well soon

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.