This is the moment of truth! We were ask to stand up and put up our right hand and swear all the terms and condition in marriage which I and Fionce hardly could hear what she said (the women incharge of the ceremony) anyway we tried to listen as much as possible and keep on saying yes...yes...yes... to agree on those terms and conditions...and those promise is not make on a day but are make forever...
At that times it like signing a multi million contract where everyone was silient in the hall making it as formal than ever before. At first i took out my Mont Blanc pen out to sign but i was decline to do so coz they need a water ink pen so have to used their one...anyway i need to sign 3 copies each..two copies (Cerfiticate Of Marriage) is for us to keep another is for the government office.
I was so serious that that i dont treat it as a joke the signature pen me my life to the man CChris) who i spend my rest of my life with...you better treat me good or else my mom will settle with you straight...hehe...you cant fly away from my 5 finger...hehe...anyway i love you my hubby Chris!!

Before we did exchange rings...we been ask..."Do you (Lam Ho Kwong aka Chris) willing to take Yeow Ching Huey aka Fionce as your wife?... i said yes (Should be i do but all is about yes yes yes..suddenly forgotten to say i do..hehe) anyway till Fionce turn to answer the question in the reverse part...after Fionce saying i do...we're ask to exchange ring which we did it sincerely but a bit messy wearing the ring we are abit confuse wearing in which hand due to the actual scene there...but we go through it smoothly till the end.
Fionce Confession : At that time i was so upset with chris coz he vlame on me for not reminding him to bring the flowers on that day. I wasn't blaming him...i just hope that he say sorry to me that i'll forgive him...who know he didnt say it!bloody hell him.....
Fionce Confession on The Bad Times : Few day till weeks i was not happy with the things that have happen directly to me by the other party. Chris were protecting me all the time but jus that i cant get over myself. It felt so badly blame on the cost but chris was convincing me all the time that. In between...we have feel heated arguement that really feel like fighting in the ring with him coz at that time i have some pre-wedding fear symptom which make my mood becoming unstable. Few days before the registeration date, chris came up to look for me at my place and chris said "This is a rough road that we need to go through together hand by hand before the actual wedding and when it come after that..all the smokes are clear". After he said so, i felt much more better bcoz of this incident, it make our relationship stronger than ever.

It's Official!Kissing my lovely wife Fionce say it all. It's like....you may kiss the bride...muacks...the feeling is like jumping around saying yahoo.........my bachelor day are over..i'm a married man now but wait...i'm not an uncle just yet...wait till i think myself is an uncle then only you guys can declare myself as uncle Chris!It's just feel so sweet and i just wan to tell Fionce that I Love You...

A Family potrait taken in malay style version in the hall but it is different from others and it seems being a king and a queen sitting down the middle anyway this is my Lam family. There is only 1 Lam family for me..my supermom...my conservative yet a leader father figure...me the groom of the year...my gorgeous yet understanding wife(Fionce)...my best mate brother and last but not least my cute little sister. With you all with me...we will bring all the hapiness all around.
Chris Confession : Father...we may had difference due to over different generation but all the things you do for me...i'll really appreciated it and thank for giving it everything that what you can give to me. Mother...i know you have been taking care of us since the day that were born and thanks for the trouble that i gave to you...you have been in for me all the time..and i want to thank you for taking care of me everything and without you..my world will turn upside down. Thank you Father Mother. To my brother...thank for being my best mate around and outside there isn't much close brother around so no matter what happen we have to stay as brothers ok?You dont drink too much...save money to do better thing and think for your future ok? My dearest sister...you may not able to express out your feeling to me but i know im your best brother...i'll try to sayng you as much as possible ok?love you....all
Fionce Conffesion : Thank you father mother for accepting me to the LAM family members. For my brother-in-law & sister-in-law...welcome me on board ya...Cheers!

This is my second family which i have a long long way fulfilling being the best son-in-law but least for the time being...hehe...let me introduce...my young looking father-in-law...my pretty mother-in-law...the smart Ching Li (1st Sis)...the fast learner Ching Ching (2nd Sis)...the adorable Ching Wen (3rd Sis) & the imitation of Fionce...Ching Yen(4th Sis). With their support and trust...me and Fionce will be a lovely couple of all time..hehe

This is my Aunt Lam and Uncle Ho which is the only relative that manage to witness our occassion that day so would like to used this opportunity to thank my aunt & uncle coming over to share our joy. Actually...almost for the whole wedding preparation it being supervise by my pretty aunt (beside my mom & dad) from the hotel booking dinner till the PR work done in my wedding so thousands of thank you to my pretty aunt...without her my wedding occassion wouldn't become so successful. Cheers!!!

*Best Friend Sharon *
My dearest cousin Cely...Firstly, I (Chris) would like to apologize for not saying thank you for your video photo presentation during my speech where i would like you to know that nite was very nervous on stage so didnt manage to catch you in my words...kinda forgive chris k?Thanks for your work..without ur video photo work...picture of our family and our baby times till we get together wouldnt be so well organized and with ur effort, it makes a perfect wedding gift for us to cherish it for a long long time. Thanks Cely!For Sharon, our Fionce best friend since she was in secondary school, thanks for coming for the day and being my best friend for over the years...thanx sharon.

Thanks Jiat + Alan & Jason for witnessing my wedding registeration @ putrajaya so without you guys being there, the enviroment wouldnt be more enjoyable by having you guys to share my joy together. Jiat, Thanx for ur unformal wear. Alan, thousand of thanks for being my camera man, and Jason, really didnt regret making you as my best man...really up to the task.

Thanx for all of you attending and witnessing the our moment of truth...being declare as husband and wife after months of waiting...for the wedding photo, my photograher kevin will pass to me this week so stay tuned for more picture and moment of Chris & Fionce wedding to share wit you all...as soon as possible so leave you guys here and thanx for the readers that tuned in to our www.loveandpromise.blogspot.com to share our moment.
Woww! Was really touched after browsing it thru...From the very first day till present, I can see the efforts u guys paid in, can feel the sincerity of a couple, can imagine how trueness the love towards each other. Cheers!! I never know my bro, Chris, will be the first to married among our group. In fact, he told me he hasn’t found his trueloves after we have completed our tertiary. The advice from me that time was, “if you really mean to meet someone who is special for u, no matter how far you are, you would still get it; n it happened the same if someone doesn’t meant to be yours” haha..i remember he was laughing and said “of coz u said so la..coz u got bf ma!!” See Chris? U met her at last..someone who is really meant for you. Can’t deny tat you really freak me out by the time u said u’re getting married. But after think twice, yea..u’re the type of man who really searching for a stable life and will be a good husband who care for ur wife alot. Keke..n now, You Are Married!! Finally hah.. n of coz, I have to apologize upon my absent on ur BIG Day! I am so sorry for tat due to the reason tat I need to present for another relatives wedding. “lei tai yan yao tai leong..yun leong ngor la” haha..this really remind me a lot of our old days. Passing notes with crapped written. LOL. Ops..write u guys a letter instead of comment on ur bloggie..sorry sorry…cant help it la, grandma start with grandmother story..k la. Have to end here with a CONGRATULATIONS wish!!!!! Stay happily and fully enjoy the life….cheers!! d^_^b
Sweet... Dunno why, this new template just suit the mood. a lot better than the last one.
Dont worry chris... u were nervous. It's ok.
Just remember to make each other happy.
Congrats again.
Claire / Bell :Thanks for coming and enjoy such a beautiful night for us. Not only us have the best wedding that most of you can ever dream of. Till the day comes along, everyone will have a beautiful wedding on their day too so when is your turn then..better be fasf if not no ang pau given..hehe. Anyway, Cheers!!!
Janice : You owe me 1 big one...how could you not availalbe on my big day. Anyway nevermind, as long you have sincerity wishing me and my wife, we would be happy. Thanx for supporting our loveandpromise.blogspot.com blog since the 1st day snd our wedding picture will be up pretty soon so stay tuned.Thanx for your comment and since you cant make it on the day itself we cheers here then...Yammmmmm Sinnnnnnng!
Cely : Thanx for your video dvd work for my wedding again. Didnt manage to mention you that night so forgive chris ok? What you mean by the present template suits the mood better then the previous 1? Anyway no worries...i will treat fionce as good as i could. Millions of thanx.Cheers!
hmmm....very touching ya on fionce confession part. really touch each of ur sisters heart. Our tears was almost came out...hehe
we are happy to have u as our big sister. u hav did a great job as our dai ka jie...we love u always althought u hav married...do come bak home when u have time ya...
we miss u.....
ur sisters
That pair of wedding ring look like the one in Lord of the Rings :)
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