Chris was there around 9am whereas i was the first to arrive @ the scene, my heart was pumping quite fast..maybe of the important day itself. Because of the day so important to me that i forgotten to bring the wedding flower to my wife..Fionce...she was so dissapointed @ first..

* Chris Calling For Flowers... *
As i knew i've forgotten the flowers...i was calling my brothers...friends...parents for flowers...but in the end my parents got the flowers from serdang market after searching more than 3 places so here i would like to thank them that without them...i wouldnt able to make Fionce to forgive me. At first she wasn't keen to see me after...somehow after that i make her smile n she smile all the way...

You guys see...her smile absolutely look so gorgeous...this is what i would like to see from her once she start spending her rest of her life as my wife coz i really love to see her smile so..it give me "Simplicity Of Perfection"....an unexplainable feeling....love you lyn.

Present to you all....my cute brother Ho Weng (Real Blood Brother)...My 2 Fake Blood Brother Jason & Jiat & Alan (The Camera Man) who is those few close friend i had in my life which they manage to attend my register day till late night celebrating. Thank Jason , Jiat & Alan...without you guys...our brotherhood wouldnt be strong...love you guys.

Whatelse i can said she can't stop smilling anyway she look the best by doing so , so no complaint that her attitude, her style, her character and it's real not on camera purpose. So..fionce keep it up!!
* Chris Wait His Turn *
Poor little chris have been waiting for our turn which drag us more than 2 hour in the waiting list. Co-incidently Alan caught chris this photo while chris was staring at the wallboard while waiting for our turn... * Fionce Wait Patiently *
Beside Chris was waiting his turn, I was patiently waiting too.
* My Videoman...Brother Ho Weng *
This is chris real blood brother (Ho Weng) he was our videoman on that day, this is his virgin to be a videoman which was recently bought for this occasion. He cheer up the crowd , lastly wanted to thanks to my bro. He did a very f***ing good job.

* Caught In View Cam *
The picture was one of our favourite picture taken on that day where is something diffrent for us to see and its very nice captured from the camera view to a viewcam view. It look very extra ordinary and a perfect picture for us to cherish for a long long time.Thanks Alan!

* Chris & Fionce With Our Beloved *
* Sister Kar Yee *
This is Chris beloved little sister, she's happy coz she aware that Fionce will be her sister in-law soon. So say Cheese!!

This is alan and he was never taken a picture with me personally so he took his time off for a minute to enjoy this moment. This photo was taken by Chris so you see the different le...anyway thanks Alan for being my camera man that day where he took alot alot of nice picture for us to cherish & appreciated and eventually some of the picture has appear in my wedding dinner and i remember alan was so happy that his hard work paids off...that he thanks me & Fionce on the wedding nite...anyway no worries brothers...thanks alot!

* Our Wedding Rings *
This our actually wedding day(On the 8 oct 2006) rings for us to exchange but were wearing that time so took a picture of it too...at let us bring you the moment that we waiting for whole day...the swearing & signing wedding ceremony....
You haven't seen the pictures from your wedding morning yet eh ? hehe, go to http://alanvoon.fotopages.com
I'll pass you guys the cd later.
Thanx alan for being my camera man on my register day and the actual wedding day for the morning session...a milion's of thanks..
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